Athens Scientist Aaron Dossey Is Filling Bellies with Bugs

By Allison Floyd Monday, November 10th, 2014 Aaron Dossey thinks crickets could provide life-sustaining protein to malnourished children in developing countries. So far, the Gates Foundation and U.S. Department of Agriculture have thought enough of the idea to give him more than half a million dollars to figure it out. "When I first started taking this seriously, it was 2009, and I was having lunch with a group of entomology students," Dossey says. "I was [...]

By | December 13th, 2014|In The Press|0 Comments

Insect cuisine: not food for insects, insects for food

Julie Smitka, junior in physics and philosophy (Courtesy of Technician Online) Tyler Gobin, Staff Columnist The average male's dorm room or apartment has at least two different brands of supplemented protein powder. It serves as a meal supplement for students on the go and post-workout shakes to maximize the anabolic window. Protein is an irreplaceable part of growing muscles and vital for any college student trying to maximize his or her training. But [...]

By | November 11th, 2014|In The Press|0 Comments


Larvae from Next Millennium Farms (Courtesy of Fast Company) AS HUMANS EAT MORE BUGS, A $20 MILLION INDUSTRY HAS SPRUNG UP—COMPLETE WITH EDIBLE INSECT BUSINESS CONSULTANTS. BY ANYA HOFFMAN Each morning after arriving at his office in Youngstown, Ohio, Kevin Bachhuber steps into the 5,000-square-foot warehouse and listens to his crickets chirping. The owner and founder of Big Cricket Farms, which raises insects exclusively for human consumption, Bachhuber knows that the frequency and [...]

By | November 11th, 2014|In The Press|0 Comments

Crickets for Food? Bugs Show Protein Potential

Aaron T. Dossey (Courtesy of Growing Georgia) By Allison Floyd Monday, November 10th, 2014 Aaron Dossey thinks crickets might be the next big product for farmers, a drought tolerant crop that could be a valuable food source one day. Dossey and a handful of other researchers around the world are working to refine the process to dry and pulverize crickets into a powder that can be used as a food supplement for health [...]

By | November 11th, 2014|In The Press|0 Comments

Insects in flour can be a good thing, yes, really

Laurie Keeler (Courtesy of University of Nebraska-Lincoln) The idea of eating insects bugs many people in the United States, but some food product developers hope that will change. Entomophagy consuming insects is not new, and it isn't always considered yucky. In Africa, for example, millions of people consume insects not only for sustenance but because they think insects are tasty. In the United States and Europe, not so much. That's unfortunate, said Laurie [...]

By | September 20th, 2014|In The Press|0 Comments